If a picture was to be picked to symbolize the summer, the photo of a beach under the blue sky would certainly do. Beaches attract and seduce, they soothe and please. But in order to enjoy all of that, an appropriate outfit is indispensable. Nowhere to seek shade and just impossible to spend all your day under an umbrella, you obviously need an appropriate headgear to keep on being in the shade under the sun.
The beach hat is an very useful accessory to help you enjoy the sun while avoiding its devastating burnts on the skin...and on your thoughts. Large brims, breathable materials, breathing eyelets, their design is therefore lightweight and gives a soft wearing.
Trilby HatOutback HatBoater HatCordobes HatPanama HatFedora HatPlayer HatPork Pie HatFloppy HatCloche HatBowler HatBucket hatTop Hat
Bucket hat, floppy hat, boater, traveller, Chinese hat...the beach hat is also an excellent stylistic asset with appropriate cuts, aesthetic for the occasion. So at Bon Clic Bon Genre, we're offereing protective models with remarkable looks to validate your holidays and always take full advantage of your activities at the edge or in the water.
Our big selection also comes with various materials as dress. Straw, from the thinner to the thicker, guarantees you freshness and recreation in symbiosis with mother nature. Plus that, adapted fabrics such as linen and cotton offer you a good regulation of the sweat while being insulating. Bet also on the mix cloth to enjoy a rapid drying, a very useful elasticity and a rock solid resilience for example.
Prepare your summer the best way possible by easily meeting your favorite amidst our big collection of beach headgear. These ones gather the most popular brands. But they above all put at your entire disposal a largely various range of models of quality, coloured of neutral, simple or sophisticated, and always really indispensable to your relaxed summery outfit.